#BreakTheBias Starts With Owning Your Success And Speaking Out Against Toxicity ?

brand marketing coaching package, brand marketing agency in Birmingham

… But first you have to learn it! As women we’re taught not to celebrate our achievements. If we do we’re arrogant, show-off idiots. We’re also taught not to speak out about injustices, toxicity, bullying or harassment. If we do “we’re not cut for it!“, “we don’t have what it takes to make it”. Invisible […]

How To Convert A Referral

The steps to convert a referral into a client

Let’s talk about converting referrals into clients… And the power branding and marketing hold over this process.

How To Create A Client Onboarding Package To Elevate Your Brand Experience

Client onboarding is part of your brand experience

Recently, we shared with you on our social media our secret to more money and freedom: the client onboarding package. In this post, we’ll show you: #1 What does it mean to have a client onboarding package? #2 How do you structure an onboarding package? #3 What to include in an onboarding package? #4 How […]

6 Negotiation Tips to Make Better Deals in 2021

6 Negotiation tips to help you make better deals in 2021

Running a business means you always have to strike good deals with your clients and partners and these 6 negotiation tips will help you deal with it confidently. If you want to close better deals in 2021, this quote from John F. Kennedy’s 1961 Inaugural Address still applies today:  “Let us never negotiate out of […]